Friday, November 25, 2016

THE LOST GIRL OF ASTOR STREET by Stephanie Morrill | A Brilliant, 1920s Romantic Mystery

(4.5 stars)

(Note: I read The Lost Girl of Astor Street prior to its official release; it is set to release in February 2017.)

Piper's best friend is missing, and has left the police clueless as they scour Chicago. Piper will not rest until she finds answers, and yet when she sticks her nose into dark alleyways, hidden buildings, and the mafia itself, it seems that she's only asking for trouble -- and she may find more answers than she bargained for...

Okay. Wow. Give me a moment to catch my breath.

The Lost Girl of Astor Street was amazing. It was riveting; the plot, characters, and writing style all meshed together so brilliantly, it was like magic. It seemed evident that Stephanie did her research, because the 1920s seemed so alive and pulsing, as if they had a heartbeat.

I do admit that it took me a chapter or two to get into it, seeing as it took that long for the heroine to grow and the story to progress. But it was so worth it.

And haven't I mentioned the romance? (*cues the fangirling*) (*pauses*) THE ROMANCE WAS SO INCREDIBLE. I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THE COUNTLESS NUMBER OF TIMES I NEARLY SCREAMED/CRIED WITH JOY. (*squeals*) (*jumps up and down like a little girl*) (*straightens bowtie*)

Stephanie tied up all the loose ends perfectly, and I firmly believe that not a strand was out of place. So I definitely recommend it -- it is SO worth the read. :)

You may want to know: There were light implications of indecent acts against characters, as well as murder, violence, and some drinking.


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